Whinney Lane, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, WF7 6DJ
01977 798616



You can find our school admissions policy and Nursery admissions policy for this year on our policies page. (Go to Home page and click on the Policies link)


If your child is 2 or 3 years old, they could be eligible for a place in our Early Years setting the term after their 2nd or 3rd birthday. Please contact our school office for further details or enquire on 01977 798616.


Children who are due to start Reception or Secondary school (Year 7) should apply online via the Wakefield Council Admissions webpage to apply for their place.


If your child attends our nursery, they still need to apply for a Reception place via the Wakefield Admissions.


School Admissions

Information for parents and carers of 2, 3 and 4 year old funding

Complete our expression of interest form: